
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference

2.5.12 JP1/AJS jobnet scheduled execution results output


This service template outputs the following information to a specified CSV-format file: the execution results up to the previous execution, the current status, and the next scheduled execution of a jobnet (and its jobs) that was registered for execution in JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS2 - Manager (collectively called JP1/AJS hereafter).

This service template requires the following server:

- Job server

Server where JP1/AJS operates. The jobnet for execution must be already registered.

The process flow is given below.

(1) Outputs the following information to a specified file (called the "scheduled execution results file") for JP1/AJS on the job server: the execution results up to the previous execution, the current status, the next scheduled execution, and other information from the scheduled execution results output start date to the scheduled execution results output end date.

(2) Transfer the scheduled execution results file (remote) on the job server that was output to the transfer target file (local) on the JP1/AO server.

(3) Delete the scheduled execution results file (remote) on the job server.

If the schedule of the jobnet that was registered for planned execution was output, the next scheduled execution can be confirmed. To confirm the scheduled executions after the next one, check the monthly schedule window of JP1/AJS3 - View (or JP1/AJS2 - View) as needed.

<>Format of items output to the scheduled results file

The following information is output in CSV format:

- Complete name of jobnet/job name of scheduled execution output

- Unit type

- Jobnet status

- Scheduled date and time of next execution

- Jobnet execution registration date and time

- Execution registration method type

- Jobnet execution registration user name

- Number of future generations

- Jobnet/job execution start date and time

- Jobnet/job execution end date and time

- Job end code

- Agent host name


For the latest support information about [Required product in the System]/[Prerequisite products in the system executing the service template]/[Prerequisite product OS running in the system executing the service template], see the release notes.

[Required product in the System]

Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation 10-50 or later

[Prerequisite products in the system executing the service template]

(1) The following products are running on the job server:

Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 2 - Manager 08-00 or later, or

Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Manager 09-00 or later.

Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Manager 10-00 or later.

[Prerequisite product OS running in the system executing the service template]

(1) Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition (x86/x64) SP1 or later, Windows Server 2003 R2, Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition (x86/x64)

(2) Windows Server 2008 Standard/Enterprise (x86/x64), Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter

(3) Windows Server 2012 Standard/Datacenter, Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard/Datacenter

(4) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Advanced Platform (x86), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (x86), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Advanced Platform (AMD/Intel 64), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (AMD/Intel 64)

(5) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 (32-bit x86), Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 (64-bit x86_64)

[Usage conditions for prerequisite products in the system]

(1) The referenced jobnet must be already created.

(2) The referenced jobnet calendar and schedule rules must be already defined.

(3) Specify the JP1 user name in the JP1AJS.executeJP1UserName property for outputting jobnet scheduled execution results by the execution target server. If execution is registered by a JP1 user with the same name as the OS user connected from JP1/AO, the value does not need to be specified for this property.

(4) When referencing a jobnet defined on a logical host having a cluster configuration, specify:

- In the common.targetHost property, specify the physical host name or logical host name of the execution system server.

- In the jp1ajs.ajsServiceName property, specify the name of the scheduler service operating in the logical host.

- In the jp1ajs.jp1ajsLHostName property, specify the name of the logical host where the scheduler service is operating.


(1) If the job server OS is Linux, set the same character encoding setting for the JP1/AJS environment setting parameter of the application server and for the default locale of the OS user used when connecting to the job server.

(2) Specify the scheduler service name that is set in the jp1ajs.ajsServiceName property. Use a string that is no more than 30 bytes

(3) If the job server OS is Windows and multibyte characters are specified, specify the scheduled execution results file that is set in the jp1ajs.jobnetOutputFileNameRemote property. Use a string that is no more than 256 bytes.

(4) If multibyte characters are specified, specify the transfer target file that is set in the jp1ajs.jobnetOutputFileNameRemote property. Use a string that is no more than 256 bytes.

(5) If a file that is set in the jp1ajs.jobnetOutputFileNameRemote property or jp1ajs.jobnetOutputFileNameLocal property already exists, the existing file is overwritten. For this reason, carefully check that there are no mistakes in the specified file name.

(6) If a folder with the path that was set in the jp1ajs.jobnetOutputFileNameRemote property or jp1ajs.jobnetOutputFileNameLocal property does not exist, the folder is created. The created folder remains and is not deleted. Delete unused folders on a regular basis.

(7) Set a shorter interval between the dates that are set in the jp1ajs.outputStartDate property and jp1ajs.outputEndDate property.

(8) If the names of the specified jobnet or its jobs include double quotation marks ("), the scheduled execution results file is output unchanged. Problems can sometimes occur when the file is read by the ODBC driver. If necessary, after obtaining the scheduled execution results file, perform character replacement and other processes.

(9) For other usage notes, see the usage notes for the ajsshow command in Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

Execution privilege

(1) The JP1 user mapped to the OS user when connected to the job server has browsing privileges for the jobnet registered for execution.

(2) If the JP1 user mapped to the OS user when connected to the job server does not exist, in the jp1ajs.executeJP1UserName property specify the JP1 user having browsing privileges for the target jobnet.





Property list

The following shows the list of the property groups set in the property:

Property group


Initial display

Application system environment information

Specify the environment information of the job server.


Jobnet output information

Specify the information of the jobnet that will output the scheduled execution results.


The following shows the list of the properties to be displayed in the "Service Definition" dialog box:


R: The property must be specified.

O: The property can be omitted. However, the property might be mandatory depending on what is specified for other properties. See the Description of each property.

Property key

Property name


I/O type



Property group


Job server host name

Specifies the host name or IP address of the job server. IPv6 addresses are not supported. When a cluster configuration is used, specify the physical host or logical host of the execution system server.




Application system environment information


Name of the JP1/AJS service for jobnet execution

Specify the service name of the JP1/AJS scheduler service that will execute the jobnet.Specify the service name of the JP1/AJS on logical host (when using business server in a cluster configuration).




Application system environment information


JP1/AJS logical host name

Specify the logical host name of JP1/AJS (when using JP1/AJS in a cluster configuration).




Application system environment information

The following shows the list of the properties to be displayed on the "Service Definition" dialog box and the "Submit Service" dialog box:

Property key

Property name


I/O type



Property group


Jobnet name where schedules and execution results are output

Specifies the complete name of the jobnet where schedules and execution results are output. Manager job group names and manager jobnet names cannot be specified.




Jobnet output information


Jobnet scheduled execution results output start date

The scheduled execution results output start date of the jobnet is selected from the calendar.




Jobnet output information


Jobnet scheduled execution results output end date

The scheduled execution results output end date of the jobnet is selected from the calendar.




Jobnet output information


JP1 user name when browsing jobnet execution schedules/results

Specifies the JP1 user name when browsing schedules and results of jobnet execution. This does not need to be specified when the referencing JP1 user has the same name as the OS user name when connecting to the job server.




Jobnet output information


Output file name (remote)

Specifies the temporary file name when the jobnet scheduled execution results file is output to the job server as a full path. The remote file is deleted after transfer.




Jobnet output information


Output file name (local)

Specifies the file name of the JP1/AO server that obtains the scheduled execution results file of the jobnet as a full path.




Jobnet output information

The following shows the restrictions on inputs to the properties displayed in the "Service Definition" dialog box:

Property key

Characters that can be input


A maximum of 255 characters can be entered. Characters that can be used include alphanumeric characters, as well as . and -.


A character string of no more than 255 characters can be entered. It cannot include <, >, |, ;, &, `, or a trailing \.


A maximum of 255 characters can be entered. Characters that can be used include alphanumeric characters, as well as . and -.

The following shows the restrictions on inputs to the property displayed on the "Service Definition" dialog box and the "Submit Service" dialog box:

Property key

Characters that can be input


Enter a character string of up to 930 bytes. You can enter halfwidth alphanumeric characters and symbols (! # $ % + @ - . _ /), as well as fullwidth characters.


You can enter 10 or fewer bytes of single-byte numbers and a slash (/).


You can enter 10 or fewer bytes of single-byte numbers and a slash (/).


Enter up to 31 halfwidth alphanumeric characters. You can also use the following symbols: ! # $ % ' - @ _ ~


Enter no more than 256 characters. Do not include the following characters: < > | ; & * ? " % ` or a trailing \


Enter no more than 256 characters. Do not include the following characters: < > | ; & * ? " % ` or a trailing \

Flow specification details

The following table shows the detailed specification of the flow:


Display name


Plug-in name



Error recovery method



JP1/AJS jobnet scheduled execution results output


Outputs the scheduled execution results of JP1/AJS jobnet to a file.

After removing the cause of the error, run the service again.



Flow Plug-in


Transfers a file.



File-Forwarding Plug-in


Transfers the scheduled execution results file (remote) to the scheduled execution results file (local).

Transfer the scheduled execution results file (remote) to the scheduled execution results file (local).

Deletes the scheduled execution results file (remote) after transfer.


Delete file


Deletes the scheduled execution results file (remote).

Delete the scheduled execution results file (remote).