
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.31 Action Parameter Detailed Definitions window

The Action Parameter Detailed Definitions window is used to set the conditions for executing an automated action and to set how the automated action will be executed. This window is displayed from the Action Parameter Definitions window either by clicking the Add button or by selecting an entry in the Action parameters list and then by clicking the Edit button. This window is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

The settings specified in the Action Parameter Detailed Definitions window are applied when the Apply button is clicked in the Action Parameter Definitions window. These settings are converted into an automated action definition parameter in the automated action definition file and then applied. If the size of the automated action definition parameter exceeds the maximum, an error dialog box displaying the message KAVB5060-W, KAVB5068-W, or KAVB5069-W appears. If the error dialog box appears, the settings must be reviewed.

The maximum length of an automated action definition parameter depends on the version of JP1/IM on the connected host:

For details about the automated action definition parameters, see Automated action definition file (actdef.conf) in 2. Definition Files in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

The Action Parameter Detailed Definitions window differs depending on the version of the action definition file.

If the version of the action definition file is 09-00, see 2.31.1 Action Parameter Detailed Definitions window. If the version is 8 or earlier, see 2.31.2 Action Parameter Detailed Definitions (for compatibility) window.

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