
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.30 Action Parameter Definitions window

The Action Parameter Definitions window lists the settings of automated actions.

To display the Action Parameter Definitions window, the user must have the JP1_Console_Admin permission. If the function for restricting reference permissions and operation permissions is enabled for business groups, this operation might not be performed depending on the combination of the JP1 resource group and permission level. For details, see 3.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

The settings of an automated action can be specified in the Action Parameter Detailed Definitions window, which is opened from the Action Parameter Definitions window.

The Action Parameter Definitions window appears when the version of the automated action definition file is 09-00.

If the version of the automated action definition file is 8 or earlier, the Action Parameter Definitions (for compatibility) window appears. For details about the Action Parameter Definitions (for compatibility) window, see Action Parameter Definitions (for compatibility) window.

The Action Parameter Definitions window and the Action Parameter Definitions (for compatibility) window are not displayed in the following cases:

If the Action Parameter Definitions window is not displayed because of an error in the automated action definition file, open the file with a text editor and correct the error. For details about the automated action definition parameters, see Automated action definition file (actdef.conf) in 2. Definition Files in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

The Action Parameter Definitions window is displayed when the user chooses Options from the menu bar of the Event Console window and then Automated Action Parameter Settings. The following figure shows an example of the Action Parameter Definitions window.

Figure 2‒55: Action Parameter Definitions window


When linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation is enabled, the Type column is added to the list in the Action parameters area, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2‒56: Action Parameter Definitions window (when linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation is enabled)


For details about setting up linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation, see 8.3.1 Settings for enabling the JP1/IM - Rule Operation linkage function in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide.

The following describes the items displayed in the Action Parameter Definitions window.

Status monitoring

Specifies whether to monitor the action status.

  • Apply: The action status is monitored.

  • Do not apply: The action status is not monitored.

The default is Do not apply.

If an action is in an abnormal status (Fail or Error) when the action status is monitored, a JP1 event is issued or a notification command is executed to report the abnormal status. The method for reporting the abnormal status must be specified in the automatic action notification definition file (actnotice.conf). For details about the automatic action notification definition file (actnotice.conf), see Automatic action notification definition file (actnotice.conf) in 2. Definition Files in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

The Action Log window, the List of Action Results window, or the Action Log Details window can be used to check the status of an action. Also, the Event Console window can be used to check whether an action is in an abnormal status.

Changes to the action status monitoring conditions affect only the actions executed after the change. For actions before the change, the settings before the change are used.

Action parameters

This area displays the list of the automated action definitions that have been set. The priority of an automated action definition is based on the display order of the list. The definition displayed at the top of the list has the highest priority. For details about the priority, see 5.3.2 Precedence of execution conditions in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

A maximum of 1,000 automated actions can be registered. The AND condition specified for the automated action definition one line above is used.

For details about the AND condition, see 5.3.3 Parameter groups and AND condition in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.


Clicking this button moves the selected automated action definition up one line, changing the priority of the automated action definitions.


Clicking this button moves the selected automated action definition down one line, changing the priority of the automated action definitions.


Clicking this button allows the user to create a new automated action definition. When this button is clicked, the Action Parameter Detailed Definitions window appears.

When 1,000 or more automated actions have been defined, this button is disabled.


To edit an automated action definition that appears in the Action parameters area, select the definition in the list and then click the Edit button.


To delete an automated action definition that appears in the Action parameters area, select the definition in the list and then click the Delete button.


Clicking this button applies the settings. Note that clicking this button initializes all suppression settings.

Action Parameter Definitions (for compatibility) window

If the user uses the action definition file version 8 or earlier, the Action name column does not appear in the Action parameters area. To set up the action definition file for version 8 or earlier, the user must use the Action Parameter Definitions (for compatibility) window. The following figure shows an example of the Action Parameter Definitions (for compatibility) window.
