
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

3.14 Range of events to be collected at login

A function is provided to set the range of events to be collected at login. This function enables you to specify a point of time from which JP1/IM - View starts acquiring old events from JP1/IM - Manager when you log in to JP1/IM - Manager. Because the source of the events to be acquired is the integrated monitoring database, you can acquire also 2001 events having occurred before the most recent event, and operate the acquired events as follows:

#: Period that begins at a set length of time preceding the login time on the host where the Central Console is operating

As described above, the Monitor Events and Severe Events pages are used in different ways, and you can specify the range of events to be collected at login differently for individual pages. The range of events to be collected at login can be specified by time in number of days.

At login, the Central Console calculates the point of time to begin event acquisition based on the number of days or time set in the system and the login time on the host where the Central Console is operating. Then, the Central Console acquires the events that have occurred since the calculated point of time up to the most recent event from the integrated monitoring database.

When you use this functionality, the integrated monitoring database must be enabled.

When the range of events to be collected at login is set, you can specify settings, on the Severe Events page, to exclude already processed severe events from event collection at login from the integrated monitoring database. This function is called the exclusion of processed events. If, before a severe event is processed, 2001 or more processed severe events are collected during system operation, said severe event cannot be displayed immediately at login. The exclusion of processed events enables you to immediately display most recent events other than processed events at login. Set the exclusion of processed events in the System Environment Settings window. For details, see 2.11 System Environment Settings window in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference.

Figure 3‒89: Exclusion of processed events


Important note

The number of events that have occurred during the period from the specified point of time to begin collection to the most recent time might exceed the maximum number of events that can be displayed by the viewer. If this occurs, excessive events scroll out. Therefore, the system administrator must specify the point of time to begin collection so that the number of events collected at login does not exceed the maximum number of events that can be displayed by the viewer. If a large number of events have been issued in the range of events to be collected at login, it might take time to display the most recent events at login. If that occurs, temporarily change the range of events to be collected at login, and restore the range when the issued repeated events grow out of the monitoring range. Event collection cannot be canceled functionally. In such cases, you must log out, change the range setting, and then log in again. Besides, if multiple users login at the same time, it might take additional time to display and update events. If this occurs, wait a while, and then re-execute processing.

Even when the function to set the range of events to be collected at login is used, the existing event buffer remains the same.

If the event buffer retains uncollected events when the display of collected events is updated after events have been collected from the integrated monitoring database, the uncollected events are acquired from the event buffer.

If the event buffer does not retain any uncollected event, a dummy event with event ID 3F01 is displayed in JP1/IM - View as always. This functionality can be set separately for the Monitor Events and Severe Events pages. Therefore, at login, events might be acquired from the event buffer for only one of these pages. If events can be displayed on only one of the pages, a dummy event with event ID 3F02 is displayed on the page that cannot display any events. When the dummy event with event ID 3F02 is displayed on the Severe Events page, the event is forcibly treated as a severe event. The following figure shows the flow when updating the display of collected events.

Figure 3‒92: Updating the display of collected events when the event buffer has overflowed


If you change the setting of the range of events to be collected at login, the new setting will be applied at the next login.

For details about the range of events to be collected at login, see 5.1.11 Displaying events by specifying the event acquisition range at login in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide.