
Hitachi Navigation Platform Setup and Operations Guide

8.3.3 Details about the properties in the user setup property file

This subsection explains each property in the user setup property file.

The default values explained here are set automatically by the system after setup. A value is specified in the file only when the value in the sample file differs from the default value.

Note about port numbers that are specified in properties

In the properties in the user setup property file, you cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application. You must either change the port number used by the other application or change the property in the user setup property file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) User authentication type (

This property specifies the user authentication type.

Permitted values
  • PasswordSkip: Does not use user authentication (a password is not required).

  • AD: Uses user authentication by Active Directory.

  • JP1Auth: Uses user authentication by JP1/Base.

Default value: PasswordSkip

When you specify AD, there are other property values that need to be checked or changed. For details about the properties that need to be checked when AD is specified, see 4.2 Setup preparations when using Active Directory for user authentication.

(2) Logical host name for user authentication (ucnp.setup.server.jp1auth.virtual.hostname)

If the JP1/Base on the same machine as for Navigation Platform is in a logical host environment, specify the logical host name. If the JP1/Base is not in a logical host environment or you will not be using user authentication, there is no need to change this property value from its default value.

If the property value is JP1Auth, this value is set automatically as the value of the ucnp.base.server.jp1auth.virtual.hostname property in the user property file during setup. If you want to change the value after setup, change the value of the ucnp.base.server.jp1auth.virtual.hostname property in the user property file.

Permitted values

If you are changing the value from its default, specify 1 to 196 single-byte alphanumeric characters and single-byte hyphens. We recommend that you specify a name consisting of a maximum of 63 characters.

Default value: JP1_DEFAULT

(3) Whether settings for remote debugging by Eclipse are to be added (ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.debug.enable)

This property specifies whether the settings for remote debugging by Eclipse are to be added. In the development environment, specify true. In the execution environment, specify false.

Permitted values

Default value: false

Supplemental notes
  • Operation is not guaranteed if true is specified in the execution environment.

  • The specified characters are not case sensitive.

(4) Wait port number for remote debugging by Eclipse in the development environment (ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.debug.jdwp.port)

This property specifies the wait port number for remote debugging by Eclipse in the development environment. If the ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.debug.enable property value is false, this property is ignored. When you perform remote debugging, connect to the port number specified in this property.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 8000

(5) System administrator ID (ucnp.setup.server.system.admin.userids)

This property specifies the system administrator of Navigation Platform. Specify a user ID that can log in to Navigation Platform.

To specify multiple system administrators, specify them in CSV format with the user IDs delimited by the comma (,). You can specify a maximum of 20 user IDs. Do not place space characters before or after a user ID.

Permitted values
  • A string of single-byte alphanumeric characters excluding double quotation marks (")

  • A string of a maximum of 31 single-byte alphanumeric characters per user ID

An empty character string cannot be specified.

Default value: user1

Supplemental notes
  • This property value is set in the ucnp.base.server.system.admin.userids property during setup.

  • This property takes effect only when a value other than JP1Auth is specified in the property.

(6) Host name of the directory server (ucnp.setup.server.ldap.hostname)

This property specifies the host name of the directory server. If a directory server is not used, leave the value in the file as is.

Permitted values: Single-byte alphanumeric characters and single-byte hyphens (-)

Default value: localhost

(7) Port number of the directory server (ucnp.setup.server.ldap.port)

This property specifies the port number of the directory server. If a directory server is not used, leave the value in the file as is. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 389

(8) Authenticator IDs when accessing the directory server (

This property specifies the authenticator IDs for accessing the directory server. You can also specify JIS level 1 Japanese-language characters. Escape values if necessary. For details, see 8.2.3 Specifying escape sequences. If a directory server is not used, leave the value in the file as is.

Permitted values: Character strings

Default value: cn=user1, cn=Users, dc=hitachi, dc=jp

(9) Password for the authenticator IDs when accessing the directory server (

This property specifies the password for the authenticator IDs ( when accessing the directory server. If a directory server is not used, leave the value in the file as is.

Permitted values: Character strings

Default value: password

(10) Base DN of the repository for JAAS-compliant user management (

This property specifies the base DN of the repository for JAAS-compliant user management. You can also specify JIS level 1 Japanese-language characters. Escape values if necessary. For details, see 8.2.3 Specifying escape sequences. If a directory server is not used, leave the value in the file as is.

Permitted values: Character strings

Default value: cn=Users, dc=hitachi, dc=jp

(11) Attribute name indicating the user's login ID (

This property specifies the attribute name indicating the user's login ID. If a directory server is not used, leave the value in the file as is.

Permitted values: Character strings

Default value: sAMAccountName

(12) Attribute name indicating the user's password (

This property specifies the attribute name indicating the user's password. If a directory server is not used, leave the value in the file as is.

Permitted values: Character strings

Default value: unicodePwd

(13) Base DN of member group information (

This property specifies the base DN of member group information. You can also specify JIS level 1 Japanese-language characters. If a directory server is not used, leave the value in the file as is. Escape values if necessary. For details, see 8.2.3 Specifying escape sequences.

Permitted values: Character strings

Default value: dc=hitachi,dc=jp

(14) Port number of the database server (ucnp.setup.server.db.port)

This property specifies the port number of the database server.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 5001 to 65535

Default value: 24704

(15) Port number of the basic web server (ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.ejbserver.http.port)

This property specifies the port number for the basic web server. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24701

(16) RMI registry port number used by the J2EE server (ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.ejbserver.rmi.naming.port)

This property specifies the RMI registry port number used by the J2EE server. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24702

(17) Port number used for communication with the web server (ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.webserver.connector.ajp13.port)

This property specifies the port number used for communication with the web server. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24703

For details, see the description about (user property file for J2EE) in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(18) Port number at which Cosminexus HTTP Server accepts requests (ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.hws.http.port)

This property specifies the port number at which Cosminexus HTTP Server (web server) accepts requests. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 80

(19) Port number of the basic web server for Portal Manager (ucnp.setup.server.portal.manager.http.port)

This property specifies the port number of the basic web server for Portal Manager. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24710

(20) Port number used for communication with Portal Manager's web container (ucnp.setup.server.portal.manager.ajp13.port)

This property specifies the port number used for communication with Portal Manager's web container. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24711

(21) RMI registry port number used by Portal Manager (ucnp.setup.server.portal.manager.rmi.naming.port)

This property specifies the RMI registry port number used by Portal Manager. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24712

(22) Port number of the CORBA naming service that is used as a naming service by Portal Manager (ucnp.setup.server.portal.manager.naming.port)

This property specifies the port number of the CORBA naming service that is used as a naming service by Portal Manager. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24713

(23) User display name type in Active Directory (ucnp.setup.server.portal.user.displayname)

This property specifies the user display name type in Active Directory.

Permitted values: Character strings

Default value: displayName

Supplemental note
  • An empty character string cannot be specified.

(24) HTTP port number of the dashboard storage service (

This property specifies the HTTP port number of the dashboard storage service. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24705

(25) Inter-node communication port of the dashboard storage service (

This property specifies the inter-node communication port of the dashboard storage service. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24706

(26) HTTP port number of the dashboard web service (ucnp.setup.server.dashboard.web.server.port)

This property specifies the HTTP port number of the dashboard web service. You cannot specify a port number that is already in use or that has been allocated by another application.

Permitted values: Integers in the range from 1 to 65535

Default value: 24707

(27) User ID of a user who accesses the dashboard (ucnp.setup.server.dashboard.web.userid)

This property specifies the user ID of a user who accesses the dashboard.

Permitted values: Character strings consisting of a maximum of 31 single-byte alphanumeric characters

Default value: dashboard1

Supplemental note
  • An empty character string cannot be specified.

(28) Password of a user who accesses the dashboard (ucnp.setup.server.dashboard.web.password)

This property specifies the password of a user who accesses the dashboard.

Permitted values: Character strings consisting of a maximum of 32 characters

Default value: ucnpDashboard01

Supplemental note
  • An empty character string cannot be specified.