
Hitachi Navigation Platform Setup and Operations Guide

8.2.3 Specifying escape sequences

The following table lists and explains the escape sequences that are permitted in any property file except the service property file.

Table 8‒2: List of escape sequences

Escape sequence





Linefeed (newline code)


Form feed (page break)


Carriage return


Double quotation mark (")


Single quotation mark (')



The following notes apply to escape sequences:

If a key specifies a distinguished name (DN), escape the attribute value that makes up the distinguished name. The following table lists the characters to be escaped and the escape sequences.

Table 8‒3: List of escape sequences

Character to be escaped

Escape sequence

Single-byte space ( )


Single-byte number symbol (#)


Single-byte double quotation mark (")


Single-byte backslash (\)


Single-byte forward slash (/)


Single-byte comma (,)


Single-byte plus sign (+)


Single-byte less than sign (<)


Single-byte greater than sign (>)


Single-byte semicolon (;)


Single-byte equal sign (=)


These escape sequences apply to the following properties: