
Hitachi Navigation Platform Setup and Operations Guide

4.4 Setup procedure

This section describes the Navigation Platform setup procedure.

  1. To set up Navigation Platform with changes to the default settings, copy the sample user setup property file ( to the directory shown below and then edit it.

    Source file (sample file)


    Destination directory


    To set up Navigation Platform with the default settings, this step is not necessary. Start from step 2.


    If you are setting up a development environment, you need to change the values of the following properties:

    • Set to true the value of the property ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.debug.enable.

    • Set the property ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.debug.jdwp.port to a port number that is not being used on the machine where Navigation Platform is being set up and that you will be able to use for debugging User Plugins.

    Reference note
    • If you are not using user authentication, leave the properties related to the directory server as they are in the sample file.

    • If you specify Japanese text for a user setup property, use UTF-8 encoding for editing and do not include a Byte Order Mark.

  2. Execute the npsetup command (perform setup of Navigation Platform).

    Command path


    If an error occurs, take corrective action in accordance with the message that is displayed, perform the unsetup procedure, and then perform setup again. For details about the messages, see the manual Hitachi Navigation Platform Messages. For details about the unsetup procedure, see 4.6 Unsetup procedure.

    If Windows Firewall displays a warning message, click the Permit access button to cancel the block.

  3. Display the login window.

    Enter the following URL into your web browser and verify that the Navigation Platform login window is displayed.


    The host name or IP address of the J2EE server machine.


    The port number of the web server.

    This is the value specified in the property ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.hws.http.port in the user setup property file (

    Login ID

    Enter the value specified for the property ucnp.setup.server.system.admin.userids in the user setup property file. The default value is user1.

    Login password

    If you are using Active Directory for user authentication, enter a user password that was set in Active Directory. If you are using JP1/Base for user authentication, enter a JP1 user ID and password registered in JP1/Base. If you set up Navigation Platform without configuring user authentication, no password is required at login time.

  4. Edit the user property file ( as necessary, and then restart the system.

    For details about what settings can be configured in the user property file ( and the user message properties file (, see 8.1 Property files whose settings need to be specified.

    Note that changes to the property files do not take effect until you restart the system. For details about how to restart the system, see 5.1 Starting and stopping the system.

Important note

After setup, take note of the points below. For the flow of tasks after setup, see 4.7 General procedure after setup.

  • Do not make any changes to the user setup property file ( that was edited during setup unless you first perform the unsetup procedure in the environment that was set up. If you change the environment before performing unsetup, Navigation Platform might not work correctly.

  • After you perform setup using the npsetup command (perform setup of Navigation Platform), do not make any changes to the environment other than to perform the tasks shown in the table below. Otherwise, Navigation Platform might not work correctly.

    Table 4‒2: Tasks that can be performed after the environment has been set up


    Task that can be performed



    Add plugins

    For details about how to develop plugins, see the Hitachi Navigation Platform Development Guide.

    For details about how to add plugins that you have developed, see 6.6 Applying the files created in the development environment.


    Customize windows

    For details about how to customize windows, see Chapter 7. Customizing Navigation Platform windows.