
Hitachi Navigation Platform Setup and Operations Guide

4.1 What to check before setup

Permissions of users who will log in to the machine

Installation and setup tasks must be performed by a user with Windows administrator privileges (user who installed Navigation Platform). Depending on the task, it might be necessary to start by selecting Run as administrator.

Free disk space

Setup requires at least 25 GB of free disk space. The same requirement applies to re-setup.

Installation directory

Do not move, edit, or delete any directories or files under the Navigation Platform installation directory.

Port numbers

In a default setup, Navigation Platform uses port numbers 80, 24701 to 24704, and 24710 to 24713. Check whether these ports are being used by other applications.

If any of these ports are being used by another application, you will need to either change the port number settings in that application, or change the default port number settings in Navigation Platform during setup.

For details about specification of port numbers, see 8.3.3 Details about the properties in the user setup property file.

Data to be overwritten

When you execute the npsetup command (perform setup of Navigation Platform), the user property file of the existing environment is overwritten. If you will perform unsetup and then perform re-setup in an environment where setup has already been performed, make a backup of the user property file as necessary.

Whether and how to perform user authentication

If you want to link with other JP1 products, you must perform setup in an environment that uses JP1/Base user authentication. User authentication is not necessary in a development environment, but in the editing and execution environments, you must decide whether you want to use authentication to manage the users logging in to Navigation Platform. Also, if you want to implement user authentication to manage the users who log in, you will need to decide in advance the type of user authentication to use. For details about the user authentication that can be used in Navigation Platform, see 3.3.2 Types of user authentication that can be used in Navigation Platform.

To perform setup in an environment in which user authentication is used, you must make changes to the default property specifications. For details about the property that specifies the type of user authentication, see 8.3.3 Details about the properties in the user setup property file.