Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


17.7 Connection information setup and acquisition interface

The DataSource, ConnectionPoolDataSource, and XADataSource classes provided by the JDBC2.0 Optional Package provide methods for setting and getting connection information necessary for connection to the database, in addition to the methods prescribed by the JDBC2.0 Optional Package specifications.

Table 17-29 lists the methods for setting and getting connection information.

Table 17-29 Methods for setting and getting connection information

Method Function
setDescription Sets the additional connection information needed for connection to the database.
getDescription Gets the additional connection information needed for connection to the database.
setDBHostName Sets the host name of the HiRDB to be connected.
getDBHostName Gets the host name of the HiRDB to be connected.
setJDBC_IF_TRC Sets whether or not a JDBC interface method trace is to be acquired.
getJDBC_IF_TRC Gets the setting information about whether or not a JDBC interface method trace is to be acquired.
setTRC_NO Sets the number of entries in the JDBC interface method trace.
getTRC_NO Gets the number of entries in the JDBC interface method trace.
setUapName Sets a UAP name.
getUapName Gets the UAP name.
setUser Sets an authorization identifier for database connection.
getUser Gets the authorization identifier for database connection.
setPassword Sets a password for database connection.
getPassword Gets the password for database connection.
setXAOpenString Sets an XA open character string.
getXAOpenString Gets the XA open character string.
setXACloseString Sets an XA close character string.
getXACloseString Gets the XA close character string.
setLONGVARBINARY_Access Sets the method of accessing data of the LONGVARBINARY type (a JDBC SQL type corresponding to HiRDB's BLOB and BINARY data types).
getLONGVARBINARY_Access Gets the method of accessing data of the LONGVARBINARY type (a JDBC SQL type corresponding to HiRDB's BLOB and BINARY data types).
setSQLInNum Sets the maximum number of input ? parameters in the SQL statements to be executed.
getSQLInNum Gets the maximum number of input ? parameters in the SQL statements to be executed.
setSQLOutNum Sets the maximum number of retrieval items for the SQL statements to be executed.
getSQLOutNum Gets the maximum number of retrieval items for the SQL statements to be executed.
setSQLWarningLevel Sets the warning retention level for warnings that occur during SQL execution.
getSQLWarningLevel Gets the warning retention level for warnings that occur during SQL execution.
setXALocalCommitMode Sets whether or not the auto-commit facility is to be enabled if a transaction during an XA connection is not a distributed transaction.
getXALocalCommitMode Gets the setting information about whether or not the auto-commit facility is to be enabled if a transaction during an XA connection is not a distributed transaction.
setSQLWarningIgnore Sets whether or not warnings returned from the database are to be discarded by the Connection class.
getSQLWarningIgnore Gets the setting information about whether or not warnings returned from the database are to be discarded by the Connection class.
setHiRDBCursorMode Sets whether or not objects of the ResultSet class are to be validated when HiRDB executes commit processing.
getHiRDBCursorMode Gets the setting information about whether or not objects of the ResultSet class are to be validated when HiRDB executes commit processing.
setNotErrorOccurred Sets whether or not the calling of ConnectionEventListener.connectionErrorOccurred is to be suppressed.
getNotErrorOccurred Gets the setting information about whether or not the calling of ConnectionEventListener.connectionErrorOccurred has been suppressed.
setEnvironmentVariables Sets client environment definitions for HiRDB.
getEnvironmentVariables Gets the client environment definitions for HiRDB that were set.
setEncodeLang Sets the name of the conversion character set for data conversion.
getEncodeLang Gets the name of the conversion character set for data conversion that was set.
setMaxBinarySize Sets the maximum data size for retrieval of data of the LONGVARBINARY type (a JDBC SQL type).
getMaxBinarySize Gets the maximum data size for retrieval of data of the LONGVARBINARY type (a JDBC SQL type).
setStatementCommitBehavior Sets whether or not statement objects are to remain valid after a transaction is committed.
getStatementCommitBehavior Gets the setting information about whether or not statement objects are to remain valid after a transaction is committed.
setLONGVARBINARY_AccessSize Sets the LONGVARBINARY (a JDBC SQL type) data length for one access request to the HiRDB server.
getLONGVARBINARY_AccessSize Gets the LONGVARBINARY (a JDBC SQL type) data length for one access request to the HiRDB server.
setLONGVARBINARY_TruncError Sets whether or not an exception is to be thrown if truncation occurs during acquisition of data of the LONGVARBINARY type (a JDBC SQL type).
getLONGVARBINARY_TruncError Gets the setting information about whether or not an exception is to be thrown if truncation occurs during acquisition of data of the LONGVARBINARY type (a JDBC SQL type).
Organization of this section
17.7.1 setDescription
17.7.2 getDescription
17.7.3 setDBHostName
17.7.4 getDBHostName
17.7.5 setJDBC_IF_TRC
17.7.6 getJDBC_IF_TRC
17.7.7 setTRC_NO
17.7.8 getTRC_NO
17.7.9 setUapName
17.7.10 getUapName
17.7.11 setUser
17.7.12 getUser
17.7.13 setPassword
17.7.14 getPassword
17.7.15 setXAOpenString
17.7.16 getXAOpenString
17.7.17 setXACloseString
17.7.18 getXACloseString
17.7.19 setLONGVARBINARY_Access
17.7.20 getLONGVARBINARY_Access
17.7.21 setSQLInNum
17.7.22 getSQLInNum
17.7.23 setSQLOutNum
17.7.24 getSQLOutNum
17.7.25 setSQLWarningLevel
17.7.26 getSQLWarningLevel
17.7.27 setXALocalCommitMode
17.7.28 getXALocalCommitMode
17.7.29 setSQLWarningIgnore
17.7.30 getSQLWarningIgnore
17.7.31 setHiRDBCursorMode
17.7.32 getHiRDBCursorMode
17.7.33 setNotErrorOccurred
17.7.34 getNotErrorOccurred
17.7.35 setEnvironmentVariables
17.7.36 getEnvironmentVariables
17.7.37 setEncodeLang
17.7.38 getEncodeLang
17.7.39 setMaxBinarySize
17.7.40 getMaxBinarySize
17.7.41 setStatementCommitBehavior
17.7.42 getStatementCommitBehavior
17.7.43 setLONGVARBINARY_AccessSize
17.7.44 getLONGVARBINARY_AccessSize
17.7.45 setLONGVARBINARY_TruncError
17.7.46 getLONGVARBINARY_TruncError