Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


17.7.27 setXALocalCommitMode

(a) Function

Sets whether or not the auto-commit facility is to be enabled if a transaction during an XA connection is not a distributed transaction.

(b) Format
public void setXALocalCommitMode ( boolean autoCommitMode ) throws SQLException
(c) Arguments

boolean autoCommitMode
Specifies the auto-commit facility:
true: Enable the auto-commit facility.
false: Disable the auto-commit facility.
(d) Return value


(e) Functional detail

Sets the auto-commit facility during an XA connection. The default value is false (the auto-commit facility is disabled). The table below shows the relationships between this method's specification values and the JDBC driver operations.

Specification value Condition JDBC driver operation
true Auto-commit default during Connection object generation Enables auto-commit.
Transaction termination by the con.commit or con.rollback method Accepts normally.
setAutoCommit(true) execution Enables auto-commit.
setAutoCommit(false) execution Disables auto-commit.
false (default) Auto-commit default during Connection object generation Disables auto-commit.
Transaction termination by the con.commit or con.rollback method SQLException
setAutoCommit(true) execution SQLException
setAutoCommit(false) execution Normal termination (the driver does nothing because auto-commit cannot be enabled)
(f) Exceptions
