Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


15.5.8 HiRDBParameterCollection

Organization of this subsection
(1) Constructor
(2) Properties
(3) Methods

(1) Constructor

(a) HiRDBParameterCollection

void HiRDBParameterCollection ()

Description: Initializes a new instance of the HiRDBParameterCollection class.

(2) Properties

(a) Count

Type: int

Default value: 0

Description: Acquires the number of HiRDBParameter objects stored in HiRDBParameterCollection (read only).
(b) IsFixedSize

Type: bool

Default value: false

Description: Acquires a value indicating whether the size of HiRDBParameterCollection is fixed (read only). If the size of the value is fixed, the value is true; if not, the value is false.
(c) IsReadOnly

Type: bool

Default value: false

Description: Acquires a value indicating whether or not HiRDBParameterCollection is read only (read only). If it is read only, the value is true; if not, the value is false.

(d) IsSynchronized

Type: bool

Default value: false

Description: Acquires a value indicating whether or not an access to HiRDBParameterCollection is synchronized (thread-safe) (read only). If the access is synchronized, the value is true; if not, the value is false.
(e) SyncRoot

Type: object

Default value: null

Description: Acquires an object that can be used to synchronize an access to HiRDBParameterCollection (read only).

(3) Methods

(a) Add

int Add (object)
object value: HiRDBParameter object to be added to HiRDBParameterCollection
int: Index in the new HiRDBParameter object's collection
Description: Adds items to HiRDBParameterCollection.

int Add (Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBParameter)
HiRDBParameter value: HiRDBParameter to be added to HiRDBParameterCollection
int: Index of the new HiRDBParameter
Description: Adds items to HiRDBParameterCollection.

int Add (string, object)
string parameterName: Parameter name
object parameterValue: Parameter value
int: Index of the new HiRDBParameter
Description: Specifies the name and value of the parameter to add items to HiRDBParameterCollection.

int Add (string, HiRDBType)
string parameterName: Parameter name
HiRDBType dataType: One of the HiRDBType values
int: Index of the new HiRDBParameter
Description: Specifies the name and data type of the parameter to add items to HiRDBParameterCollection.

int Add (string, HiRDBType, int)
string parameterName: Parameter name
HiRDBType dataType: One of the HiRDBType values
int size: Parameter size
int: Index of the new HiRDBParameter
Description: Specifies the name, data type, and size of the parameter to add items to HiRDBParameterCollection.

int Add (string, HiRDBType, int, string)
string parameterName: Parameter name
HiRDBType dataType: One of the HiRDBType values
int size: Parameter size
string srcColumn: Name of the source column
int: Index of the new HiRDBParameter
Description: Specifies the name, data type, size, and source column of the parameter to add items to HiRDBParameterCollection.
(b) Clear

void Clear ()

Return: void

Description: Deletes all items from HiRDBParameterCollection.
(c) Contains

bool Contains (string)
string parameterName: Parameter name
bool: If the parameter is stored in the collection, the value is true; if not, the value is false.
Description: Acquires a value indicating whether or not HiRDBParameter is in the collection.

bool Contains (object)
object value: Object that is searched for in HiRDBParameterCollection
bool: If Object is in HiRDBParameterCollection, the value is true; if not, the value is false.
Description: Acquires a value indicating whether or not HiRDBParameter is in the collection.
(d) CopyTo

void CopyTo (System.Array, int)

System.Array array: One-dimensional Array to which elements are copied from HiRDBParameterCollection
int index: Index number, beginning at 0, at the location where value is inserted

Return: void

Description: Copies the elements of HiRDBParameterCollection to Array using Array's specific index as the start position.
(e) GetEnumerator

System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()

System.Collections.Ienumerator: IEnumerator that can be used to perform iteration processing on a collection

Description: Returns the enumerator that can perform iterative operation on a collection.
(f) IndexOf: overload

int IndexOf (string)
string parameterName: Parameter name
int: Location of HiRDBParameterCollection in the collection that begins at 0
Description: Acquires the location of HiRDBParameter in a collection.
Exception: HiRDBException

int IndexOf (object)
object value: Object that is searched for in HiRDBParameterCollection
int: If the object is in the list, the value is the index of value; if not, the value is -1.
Description: Acquires the location of HiRDBParameter in a collection.
(g) Insert

void Insert (int, Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBParameter)

int index: Index number, which begins at 0, at the location where value is inserted
HiRDBParameter value: HiRDBParameter to be added to HiRDBParameterCollection

Return: void

Description: Inserts an item at the specified location in HiRDBParameterCollection.
(h) Remove

void Remove (object)

object value: HiRDBParameter to be deleted from HiRDBParameterCollection

Return: void

Description: Deletes the first occurrence of the specified object in HiRDBParameterCollection.
(i) RemoveAt

void RemoveAt (string)
string parameterName: Parameter name
Return: void
Description: Deletes HiRDBParameter from a collection.
Exception: HiRDBException

void RemoveAt (int)
int index: Index of the item to be deleted that begins at 0
Return: void
Description: Deletes HiRDBParameter from a collection.