Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


15.5.7 HiRDBParameter

Organization of this subsection
(1) Constructor
(2) Properties
(3) Methods

(1) Constructor

(a) HiRDBParameter

void HiRDBParameter ()
Description: Initializes a new instance of the HiRDBParameter class.

void HiRDBParameter (string, object)
string name: Name of the parameter to be allocated (ParameterName property)
object value: Value of the new HiRDBParameter object (Value property)
Description: Specifies the parameter name and HiRDBParameter object to initialize a new instance of the HiRDBParameter class.

void HiRDBParameter (string, Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBType)
string name: Name of the parameter to be allocated (ParameterName property)
Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBType dataType: One of the HiRDBType values (HiRDBType property)
Description: Specifies a parameter name and data type to initialize a new instance of the HiRDBParameter class.

void HiRDBParameter (string, Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBType, int)
string name: Name of the parameter to be allocated (ParameterName property)
Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBType dataType: One of the HiRDBType values (HiRDBType property)
int size: Parameter width (Size property)
Description: Uses a parameter name, data type, and length to initialize a new instance of the HiRDBParameter class.

void HiRDBParameter (string, Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBType, int, string)
string name: Name of the parameter to be allocated (ParameterName property)
Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBType dataType: One of the HiRDBType values (HiRDBType property)
int size: Parameter width (Size property)
string srcColumn: Name of the source column (SourceColumn property)
Description: Specifies a parameter name, data type, length, and source column name to initialize a new instance of the HiRDBParameter class.

void HiRDBParameter (string, Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBType, int, System.Data.ParameterDirection, Byte, Byte, String, System.Data.DataRowVersion, Object)
string parameterName: Parameter name (ParameterName property)
Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBType dataType: One of the HiRDBType values (HiRDBType property)
int size: Parameter width (Size property)
System.Data.ParameterDirection direction: One of the ParameterDirection values (Direction property)
byte precision: Total length in digits used to resolve Value (Precision property)
byte scale: Length of the fractional part in digits used to resolve Value (Scale property)
string srcColumn: Name of the source column (SourceColumn property)
System.Data.DataRowVersion srcVersion: One of the DataRowVersion values (SourceVersion property)
object value: Object which is the value of HiRDBParameter (Value property)
Description: Specifies a parameter name, data type, length, source column name, parameter direction, precision of numeric value, and other properties to initialize a new instance of the HiRDBParameter class.

(2) Properties

(a) DbType

Type: System.Data.DbType

Default value: DbType.String

Description: Acquires or sets DbType for a parameter. When DbType is to be set, this member sets the corresponding data type in the HiRDBType property according to Table 15-3.
(b) Direction

Type: System.Data.ParameterDirection

Default value: ParameterDirection.Input

Description: Acquires or sets a value indicating whether the parameter is input only, output only, bidirectional, or the stored procedure's return value.
(c) HiRDBType

Type: Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBType

Default value: HiRDBType.MVarChar

Description: Acquires or sets an enumeration indicating the data type in HiRDB. When the enumeration is to be set, this member sets the corresponding data type in the DbType property according to Table 15-4.

HiRDBType enumeration:
Integer, SmallInt, Decimal, Float, SmallFlt, Char, VarChar, NChar, NVarChar, MChar, MVarChar, Date, Time, TimeStamp, IntervalYearToDay, IntervalHourToSecond, Blob, Binary
(d) IsNullable

Type: bool

Default value: true (fixed)

Description: Acquires a value indicating whether or not the parameter accepts the null value (read only). If the null value is accepted, the value is true; if not, the value is false.
(e) ParameterName

Type: string

Default value: ""

Description: Acquires or sets the name of the HiRDBParameter.
(f) Precision

Type: byte

Default value: 0

Description: Acquires or sets the number of significant digits for a numeric parameter.
(g) Repetition

Type: short

Default value: 1

Description: Acquires or sets an array structure in HiRDB.
(h) Scale

Type: byte

Default value: 0

Description: Acquires or sets the number of decimal places for a numeric parameter.
(i) Size

Type: int

Default value: 0

Description: Sets the size of the column definition length or character string data that can be stored after character code conversion. Also acquires the current setting. For TIMESTAMP (DateTime), this value is the number of digits in the fractional part.
(j) SourceColumn

Type: string

Default value: ""

Description: Acquires or sets the name of the source column that has been assigned to DataSet and is used to read or return Value.
(k) SourceVersion

Type: System.Data.DataRowVersion

Default value: DataRowVersion.Default

Description: Acquires or sets the DataRowVersion that is used to read Value.
(l) Value

Type: object

Default value: null

Description: Acquires or sets a parameter value.

(3) Methods

(a) Clone

object Clone ()

object: New object which is a copy of this instance

Description: Creates a new object which is a copy of the current instance.