uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


Appendix B.5 Oracle Client

In Oracle client, the details of the executed network events are output to the Net client trace file. The OS client process ID of the client is included in the file name of the Net client trace file.

A Net client trace file is output to the following locations:

# The output destination of the Net client trace file is set with the Oracle sqlnet.ora file. The coding format of the sqlnet.ora file is described below. For details about the sqlnet.ora file, see the documentation on Oracle.


To reference a Net client trace file, you need to specify the desired Net client trace file from the output Net client trace files. To specify the desired Net client trace file:

  1. Execute the following SQL, and acquire the OS client process ID.
    SELECT PROCESS FROM V$SESSION WHERE (SID = session-ID) AND (SERIAL# = session-serial-number);
  2. Compare the acquired OS client process ID and the OS client process ID included in the file name of the Net client trace file, and specify the desired Net client trace file.

For details about the output contents of the Net client trace file, see the documentation on Oracle.

The Net client trace consumes a large amount of disk space, as a result, it may lead to a decline in the system performance. Reference the Net client trace only when required.