uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


11.2.4 Program source code migration

Change the operating procedure and migrate as shown as follows:

When the in-process transaction service is used, operations are different when compared to the out-process transaction service. You must change the program source code when the occurrence conditions of the operations match.

Table 11-5 Change in the program source code

Contents of operating change Occurrence condition Modified contents
beforeCompletion is not invoked when concluding the transaction after SetRollbackOnly (it is called when the out process transaction service is used) When you implement SessionSynchronization using Stateful Session Bean Change to the program where beforeCompletion is not invoked when concluding the transaction after SetRollbackOnly.
ejbStore is not invoked when concluding the transaction after SetRollbackOnly (it is called when the out process transaction service is used) When Entity Bean is used Change to the program where ejbStore is not invoked when concluding the transaction after SetRollbackOnly.
In case of the out-process transaction service, the determination method of argument (boolean committed) of afterCompletion is applied to processing result of the top root transaction, however, in the case of in-process transaction service, it is decided only by the processing results of the corresponding branch and the subordinate branch. When all the following conditions are fulfilled.
  • When transactional EJB is invoked in various processes in multiple J2EE servers.
  • When Stateful Session Bean is used
  • When SessionSynchronization is implemented.
Change to the programs where final results of top root transaction are not expected as usage of afterCompletion argument.