uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


4.9.3 Acquiring the CORBA Naming Service Memory Dump

How to acquire the CORBA naming service memory dump for each OS is described below.

Organization of this subsection
(1) In Windows
(2) In UNIX

(1) In Windows

When the CORBA naming service is running (when the CORBA naming service process exists), execute the userdump.exe process-ID and extract the memory dump (user.dump). Confirm the CORBA naming service process ID from the task manager in advance.

(2) In UNIX

When the CORBA naming service is running (when the CORBA naming service process exists), confirm the process ID of the CORBA naming service and execute the kill command. Execute the kill command in the following format. Note that the process terminates when the kill command is executed. Hitachi, therefore, recommends that you execute the kill command before restarting.

ps -ef | grep java
kill -6 CORBA-naming-service-process-ID