uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


4.7.1 When using the management command

To acquire a thread dump of JavaVM using the management command (mngsvrutil), specify server in the argument of the sub command dump of the command mngsvrutil and execute the command.

The following thread dump can be acquired:

For the mngsvrutil command, see mngsvrutil (management command of Management Server) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide. For the sub commands of the mngsvrutil command, see 7.3 Details of sub commands of the mngsvrutil command in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

The execution format, an execution example, and output destination for mngsvrutil command are as follows:

Execution format
mngsvrutil -m Management-Server-host-name[:port-number]-u management-user-ID -p management-password -t logical-server-name dump server

Execution example
mngsvrutil -m mnghost -u user01 -p pw1 -t myserver dump server

Output destination
When the target is a J2EE server
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
# The working-directory indicates a directory specified in the user definition of a J2EE server (ejb.public.directory in the usrconf.cfg file). The default values are as follows:
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
When the target is a SFO server
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
When the target is a CORBA naming service and CMT
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX