uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


3.2 Overview of statistics collection functionality

This section describes how to monitor the statistics of a J2EE server, batch server, and SFO server using statistics files.

Using the statistics collection functionality, you can monitor the operating status of a J2EE server and a batch server periodically and can obtain the statistics such as server performance and resource information in a statistics file. A statistics file periodically output the statistics of a J2EE server, batch server, and SFO server. Statistics files are output for each function of J2EE servers and SFO servers. You can use the statistics to check the status of the J2EE server, batch server, and SFO server, refer the status results as the statistical information, and tune the configuration parameters of the J2EE server, batch server, and SFO server.

Note that a system can output a message (threshold event), if the threshold value is exceeded while monitoring the frequency of full garbage collection output to a statistics file or the number of pending execution requests in a URL group unit. You can issue a management event using the output message, and can specify settings to automatically execute the required processes corresponding to this alert. For details on setting the automatic execution of processes with Management events, see the section 9.4 Settings for automatic execution of processes by management events.

You can use the following functionality by monitoring the statistics:

When monitoring the statistics, you use the statistics file described in this chapter for normal operations. When you want to obtain more detailed information than the information obtained in the statistics file, only in that case you use the management commands to monitor the statistics. For details on the monitoring statistics using the management commands, see 8.2 Overview of statistics output using management commands.