uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


9.4 Settings for automatic execution of processes by management events

This section describes settings for automatic execution of processes by Management events.

Management events are events that notify about the events such as failure and resource depletion that occur in a J2EE server, batch server, or SFO server in an operation management domain. This functionality can issue Management events using all the messages, output when the J2EE server, batch server, and SFO server are running, as a trigger. By defining the operations, to be performed when a Management event is notified, in the Management Server, the action can be executed automatically when the management event occurs. This action is called a management action.

For example, make settings so that when using the resource depletion monitoring function to monitor the status of memory usage, if a threshold value is exceeded, a message is output by generating an alert, and a Management event is issued before the full garbage collection occurs. By defining a Management action in advance to block services and restart the J2EE server or batch server, you can detect a full garbage collection before it occurs, and automatically execute the action to prevent the termination of request processing.

By detecting events such as a failure using a Management event and defining a corresponding action for the Management event as a Management action, you can automatically execute the processes for the occurred events such as actions for preventing failures.

Organization of this section
9.4.1 Procedure to Set Automatic Execution of Processes by Management Events
9.4.2 Settings for execution environment
9.4.3 Setting a Message ID List File for Issuing Management Events
9.4.4 Setting Each Function Using the Management Event Issuing Function
9.4.5 Setting a Property File for Executing Management Actions
9.4.6 Settings of Management Action Execution Commands