uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.5.3 Setting up in the execution environment

The reference mapping can also be set up in the execution environment. Specify the settings in the J2EE application imported into a J2EE server, and execute the setup only when you set up or change the property of a J2EE application that does not include cosminexus.xml.

A J2EE application is set up in the execution environment using the server management commands and the property files. Use the following property files to define the reference mapping:

Table 2-15 Property files used to define reference mapping

Setting target Attribute files
Session Bean Session Bean attribute file
Entity Bean Entity Bean attribute file
Message-driven Bean Message-driven Bean attribute file

The tags specified in the property files correspond to the DD or cosminexus.xml. Note that the tags to be specified differ depending on whether the reference of the Enterprise Bean or the reference of the resource is to be resolved.

For details on the cosminexus.xml settings, see 2.5.2 Defining in cosminexus.xml.