uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.5.2 Defining in cosminexus.xml

The definition of reference mapping is specified in the <ejb-jar> tag of cosminexus.xml.

When using java:comp/env, you must define the reference mapping in the reference-source application. The tag to be specified is different for each type of target Enterprise Bean.

The following table describes the definition of reference mapping in cosminexus.xml:

Table 2-14 Definition of reference mapping in cosminexus.xml

Items Tag to be specified Setting contents
Resolving the references of the resources

In the case of a Session Bean
<session>-<resource-ref> tag
<session>-<resource-env-ref> tag

In the case of an Entity Bean
<entity>-<resource-ref> tag
<entity>-<resource-env-ref> tag

In the case of Message Driven Bean
<message-driven>-<resource-ref> tag
<message-driven>-<resource-env-ref> tag

  • Set up the information of the resource in the <resource-ref> tag.
  • Set up the information of the resource environment in the <resource-env-ref> tag.

For details on the tags to be specified, see 2.2.2 Details of EJB-JAR properties in the uCosminexus Application Server Application and Resource Definition Reference Guide.