Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide



The rdsafgid command registers, deletes and displays ID groups.


  1. Registers and executes a Register ID group job for defining an ID group.
  2. Registers and executes a Delete ID group job for deleting an ID group.
  3. Displays an ID group.


  1. Registering an ID group
    rdsafgid -e
         -i ID-group
        [-p password]
  2. Deleting an ID group
    rdsafgid -r
         -i ID-group
  3. Displaying an ID group
    rdsafgid -o


This option specifies the definition of an ID group.

This option overwrites management information if you have already defined a specified ID group. The system inherits the host names of distribution-destination systems already registered in the ID group.

-i ID-group ~ <characters excluding !, ", %, ', *, ., /, :, <, >, ?, @, \, and |> ((within 32 characters))
Specify the ID group to be defined or deleted. You must not specify a name that starts with networkID_.
You can only specify an ID group defined with the managing server for deletion.

This option displays ID group information.

-p password
Specify a password used to register a distribution-destination system in a specified ID group.

This option specifies the deletion of an ID group.

Display format

The following is an example of the display format for an ID group.


End code

End code Meaning
0 Command processing terminated normally.
1 An attempt to register a job failed.
98 The system rejected a command request.
99 JP1/Software Distribution Client has not started yet.
252 File access error
253 System error
254 The user who entered the command is not the system administrator.
255 A specified option is invalid.



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