Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide
If the client enters the non-respond status while the relay system and the client are connected, the relay system and the client remain connected. The client in this status is included in the count indicated by the MaxConnectClients operand that is specified in the settings file of the client services of the relay system. Therefore, the number of connections that can be specified in the operand is limited. To prevent this, JP1/Software Distribution monitors the length of communication.
If the client does not return a response after a specified length of time while the relay system is communicating with the client, the relay system performs the following measures in the written order. Use COMWAT in the operating-environment settings file to set the length of time to monitor the communication between the relay system and the client.
- Assumes that an error has occurred at the client, and automatically terminates the connection.
- Reports to the managing server.
This allows the managing server to monitor the lack of response from the client.
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