Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide


6.3.3 Setting the host name

Specify the host names described below in the /etc/hosts file.

When you use the system configuration of JP1/Software Distribution to resolve the address of the distribution-destination system, you do not need to define the distribution-destination system in the /etc/hosts file or the name server. To use the system configuration of JP1/Software Distribution to resolve the address of the distribution-destination system, specify RESOLVE_BY_SYSCNS=YES in the operating-environment settings file. Additionally, specify that the distribution-destination system automatically registers the system configuration, and after the automatic registration of the system creation is completed, execute the job.

If you use JP1/Software Distribution Client in a firewall environment, the host name definition differs depending on the firewall environment. For details on the host name definition in a firewall environment, see 6.3.6 Settings when using firewalls.

Format of the /etc/hosts file
The following shows the format of the /etc/hosts file. For details on the parameters to be specified, see the manual of your network (TCP/IP).
IP-address[Figure]1 host-name[[Figure]1#comment]

In IP-address, specify the address of the local system or a distribution-destination system in the Internet address format.
If the distribution-destination system is inside a firewall, specify the Internet address of the distribution-destination system defined in the firewall.

In host-name, specify the host name of the local system or the distribution-destination system. If the distribution-destination system whose host name you want to specify is inside a firewall, specify the host name defined in the distribution-destination system.
You can use a maximum of 32 characters to specify the host name. When you use distributor tools to create a job, you can use a maximum of 64 characters to specify the distribution-destination name, which consists of the local host name, a separator character, and the distribution-destination system's host name.

In comment, you can specify a comment. You must prefix a number sign (#) to a comment. If you do not prefix # to a comment, JP1/Software Distribution Client handles the comment as an alias of the host name.

Defining an /etc/hosts file
If a UNIX machine uses more than one Internet address, you must specify the Internet address used by each lower system in the /etc/hosts file at that lower system.
Figure 6-2 shows an example of Internet address specification.

Figure 6-2 Example of Internet address specification


Settings in the /etc/hosts file in a multi-LAN environment
When the network is configured as multiple segments, specify the host name and IP address notified by the upper system in the /etc/hosts file at each lower system. Note, however, that a distribution-destination system cannot be specified by an IP address if the communication protocol is other than TCP. To set the TCP communication protocol, set ClientActionProtocol to TCP in the settings file at the higher system.

If your system uses a name server in a TCP/IP environment, do not specify host name aliases that differ only in the case of the letters, but are otherwise identical. That is, do not specify aliases such as the following:

Invalid network information specified in /etc/named.db.   IN A   123.456.0.7 IN CNAME IN CNAME



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