Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide


2.5.2 Scheduled installation

A package with a specified installation date and time is stored in the directory for installation-scheduled packages after distribution. To install this package, execute the command of the generator tools.

If the installation timing (during system startup or system stop) is specified in addition to the installation date and time, it will be executed as follows:

When packages with the installation date and time specified are distributed from Windows JP1/Software Distribution, they will be installed as standard installation to UNIX distribution-destination systems.

This section describes how to execute the rdsupt command automatically to ensure that the packages which reached the installation date and time are installed.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Periodically executing the rdsupt command
(2) Executing the rdsupt command at system startup

(1) Periodically executing the rdsupt command

In the operating-environment settings file (the /NETMRDS/buff/.profile file for systems other than HP-UX, and the /etc/opt/NETMDMW/buff/.profile file for HP-UX), set the monitoring time interval for packages that have reached their installation time. For details on the settings, see 6.8 Configuring the operating-environment settings file.

(2) Executing the rdsupt command at system startup

The procedures for automatically executing the rdsupt command at system startup differs according to the OS.

(a) For HP-UX

Configure the system as follows:

ln -s /sbin/init.d/netmdmgf /sbin/rc2.d/SxxxNETMDMGF

For xxx, specify a three-digit number. This number must be unique in your environment. Set a value greater than the settings of the client services so the command is executed after the services of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).

(b) For Solaris

Configure the system as follows:

ln -s /etc/init.d/netmdmgf /etc/rc2.d/SxxNETMDMGF

For xx, specify a two-digit number. This number must be unique in your environment. Set a value greater than the settings of the client services so the command is executed after the services of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).

(c) For AIX

Configure the system as follows:

mkitab "netmdmgf:2:wait/usr/bin/NETMDMGF/netmdmgf >/dev
/console 2>&1 #NETM/DM=GF"

The entry is added at the last line of /etc/inittab. Set the command so that it can be executed after the services of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).



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