Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide


2.2 Software packaging

In order to distribute a software resource, it must be registered on the managing server. This is called packaging. Make sure that the software does not exceed 2 gigabytes before and after registration. The name of a file or directory registered as a resource must not contain spaces, character strings enclosed in (), [], or {}, or the following special 1-byte characters.

$, !, *, ?, ;, &, ", ', `, ^, \, |, <, >

You register software resources from JP1/Software Distribution Client. The system at which the user registers a package is called a packager. At the managing server, the administrator can set a password to check whether any user attempting to register a package is authorized to do so.

Packages can be compressed at packaging time, which reduces the amount of data and reduces the disk space required at the package storehouse on the managing server and at the temporary package storehouses on the relay systems through which the package will be distributed. Compressed packages are not expanded until installation on a distribution-destination system, thereby reducing the amount of data at distribution.

When you are using JP1/Software Distribution Manager or JP1/Software Distribution Client as a managing server, you can package the software resources from the JP1/Software Distribution Client that is connected immediately below the managing server, or from the server itself.

Organization of this section
2.2.1 Software classification
2.2.2 Media that can register the software
2.2.3 Packaging procedure
2.2.4 Creating the files to be specified during packaging
2.2.5 Notes on packaging



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