Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


7.4.2 Relaying alert information

Both JP1/Software Distribution Manager and JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) can relay alert information reported from a client to higher systems. Higher systems at the relay destinations can check the alert information of all clients located under them.

For example, if the system administrator is managing the entire JP1/Software Distribution from a central manager and the relay system is unmanned, you can set the relay system to only relay alert information to the higher system and not output the information to the alert information file or Event Viewer. With such a setup, you can monitor for alerts at all clients from the central manager without increasing the load on the relay system.

To report alert information to a higher system, in the setup of JP1/Software Distribution Manager or Client (relay system), select the check box for Relay to higher system on the Client Alert page. By default, the check box is cleared.

You can check alert information in Windows JP1/Software Distribution Version 07-00 or later. Although the systems listed below can relay alert information, they cannot be used for checking alert information.