Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide
By using the Device List job menu, you can search for specific devices among owned devices. For example, you can list devices for a particular purpose, such as to identify devices with an old registration date or devices whose performance is below a specified level. You can also change information about the listed devices.
To search for devices, start from the Device List window, which is displayed by clicking the Device List job menu. The following figure shows the Device List window.
Figure 2-3 Device List window
In the Server Setup dialog box, you can set the device statuses that are available for the Status search condition. For details about how to configure this setting, see 5.3.4(21) Status to display in device search windows in the Planning and Setup Guide.
In Device List, specify the necessary search conditions. The following are examples of specifying conditions for searching for owned devices.
Be aware that IP address segments can be specified with two or fewer digits when both specifying an IP address for a search condition and searching for partial matches or beginning-of-word matches. For example, if 33.22.1 is specified for a search, the search is conducted in the range from to Therefore, if you want to search for, enter a period (.) at the end, as in 33.22.1., or place zeros in front of the number, as in 33.22.001. For example, if you want to search for, specify .22.1. or 022.001.
You can use Network Presenter to check the network configuration, including devices.
In Network Presenter, you can select the devices that you want to display from the list of search results, and then click the NNM button to display the associated devices in Network Presenter.
To display Network Presenter, you must be linked to HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier. For details about the settings for linking to HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier, see 6.1 Settings for linking to HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier in the Planning and Setup Guide.
In the search results list, clicking a link under Asset No. displays the Device Details dialog box, which enables you to view and edit details about that device. For details about how to view and edit details about a device, see 2.8 Managing device details.
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