Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide
By using managed items, you can total the number of owned devices by group or location, as well as for the entire organization. You can check the number of each type of device and the number of devices that are to be replaced for each group or location. For example, Status can be used as the point of (filter for) totals to check the number of devices that are active or in stock for each status. Reg. date can also be used as a point of totals to check the number of installed devices.
To total the number of owned devices, start from the Device Totals window, which is displayed by clicking the Device Totals job menu. The following figure shows the Device Totals window.
Figure 2-1 Device Totals window
In the Server Setup dialog box, you can set the device statuses that are displayed for the Status search condition. For details about how to configure this setting, see 5.3.4(21) Status to display in device search windows in the Planning and Setup Guide.
To total the number of owned devices by group or location, select Group name or Location for the Totals by search condition. You can filter the range to be totaled for the group or location by specifying simple search conditions or by using the Browse button.
To total by device status or by manufacturer, select the items to total via the Point of totals search condition. To change which items to total, select Asset information or Hardware information from the Point of totals search condition, and then select the details from the drop-down list to the right. The default is Device type for Hardware information.
By clicking a link corresponding to the details specified via Point of totals and displayed for totaled results, a breakdown of totaled results is displayed. From here, you can also display details about an individual device. For details about how to view and edit details about an individual device, see 2.8 Managing device details.
The following figure shows the window that displays a breakdown of the details specified by Point of totals.
Figure 2-2 Window displaying a breakdown of details specified by Point of totals (Device Totals)
You can change the display widths of the items in the totaled results. For details about how to change the display widths, see 9.3.6(3) Setting the display widths for the items in search results in the Planning and Setup Guide.
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