Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


Appendix G.1 Types of events that are output to audit logs

The table below shows the types of events for which audit logs are output and the triggers for Asset Information Manager to output audit logs. A trigger type is an identifier for classifying the events that are output to audit logs.

Table G-1 Types of events that are output to audit logs

Event type Description Output trigger for Asset Information Manager
ConfigurationAccess This event indicates updating of configuration information. Outputs the records of addition, updating, and deletion in the following operations and job categories:
  • Server Setup
  • System Management
    Group and User
    Search Users
    IP Group
    Software Name
    Installed Software
  • System Definition
    Customize Managed Items
    Customize Job Windows
    Customize Job Menu
Authentication This event indicates that authentication failed or succeeded. Outputs the records of login to or logout from Asset Information Manager.
ContentAccess This event indicates that the asset information managed by Asset Information Manager was accessed. Outputs the records of addition, updating, and deletion in the following job categories:
  • Device Management
    Device Totals
    Device List
    Unused Device List
    New Device
    Batch Update
    Totals of Stocktaking-Unexecuted Devices
    Device Change Log
  • Software License
    Owned License List
    Excess License List
    Unauthorized Usage List
    Unused License List
    Unknown Usage List
    New Software
    Software List
    Transfer License
    New Volume License
    Volume License List
    Software Update Log