Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


12.1.1 Backing up and restoring the asset management database in CSV format

This subsection describes how to back up data in the asset management database in CSV format and restore the data in CSV format.


There are two ways to obtain a backup copy of the asset management database in CSV format:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Backing up the asset management database from the Database Manager dialog box
(2) Backing up the asset management database using the command
(3) Restoring the asset management database from the Database Manager dialog box

(1) Backing up the asset management database from the Database Manager dialog box

To back up the asset management database from the Database Manager dialog box:

  1. Click the Start button and point to Programs, then Asset Information Manager, and then choose Setup.
    The Setup dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Database Manager icon.
    The Database Manager dialog box appears.
  3. Select Back up the database to CSV files and then click the Next button.
    The following dialog box for obtaining a database backup is displayed. Logs displays a maximum of 10 backup logs.

    Figure 12-1 Dialog box for obtaining the database backup


  4. Specify the backup folder.
    In Backup folder name, specify the backup folder. Allocate sufficient free space to the drive that is specified for the backup folder. Clicking the ... button displays a dialog box in which you can browse folders and specify a desired folder. Specify 1 to 223 bytes of characters. Note that ", |, *, <, >, ?, &, ^, and / are not permitted. By default, Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\backup is specified.
    By clicking a backup log displayed in Logs, you can specify the folder path of the selected backup log.
  5. Enter a command, if necessary.
    If there is additional information for the backup folder, enter it in Comment, expressed as a maximum of 64 bytes of characters.
  6. Click the Execute button.
    The asset management database is backed up. When the data is backed up, the contents of the asset management database are stored in the backup folder.

Do not change the name of the acquired CSV file or its contents. If such a change is made, the asset management database can no longer be restored.

(2) Backing up the asset management database using the command

This subsection describes the function, format, and options for jamdbexport.bat, and provides notes on command execution. This command executes the same backup as the method that uses the Database Manager dialog box, but it does so from the command line on the asset management server.

jamdbexport.bat is stored in the following folder:


(a) Function

jamdbexport.bat obtains a backup of the asset management database and outputs the data to CSV files. When jamdbexport.bat is executed, the contents of the asset management database are stored in the backup folder.

(b) Format

jamdbexport.bat backup-folder-path [-rp]

(c) Options

Specifies the full path of the backup folder. Allocate sufficient free space to the drive that is specified for the backup folder. When you specify a path, note the following:
  • Do not include any spaces in a folder name.
  • Do not enclose a folder name in double-quotation marks (").
  • Do not specify an existing folder name.
If the path is omitted, Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\backup is set.

If this option is specified, the command starts the backup processing without waiting for a key response.
If this option is omitted, the command waits for a key response. To cancel execution, press the Ctrl + C keys.
(d) Notes on command execution

(3) Restoring the asset management database from the Database Manager dialog box

Before you start the restore processing, make sure that the asset management database has been created. If no asset management database has been created, use the Database Manager dialog box to create a new asset management database, and then execute the restore processing.

To restore a backup of the asset management database from the Database Manager dialog box:

  1. Click the Start button and point to Programs, then Asset Information Manager, and then choose Setup.
    The Setup dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Database Manager icon.
    The Database Manager dialog box appears.
  3. Select Restore the database from CSV files and then click the Next button.
    The following dialog box for restoring the database is displayed. Logs displays a maximum of 10 backup logs.

    Figure 12-2 Dialog box for restoring the database


  4. Specify the backup folder that is to be restored.
    In Backup folder name, specify the backup folder. Clicking the ... button displays a dialog box in which you can browse folders and specify a desired folder. Specify 1 to 223 bytes of characters. Note that ", |, *, <, >, ?, &, ^, and / are not permitted. By default, Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\backup is specified.
    By clicking a backup log displayed in Logs, you can specify the folder path of the selected backup log.
    Do not change the names or contents of the files created during the backup processing.
  5. Click the Execute button.
    The asset management database is restored.