Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


11.10.1 Errors when HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier is linked

This subsection describes the errors that may occur when node information is acquired from HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier, and the principal causes and actions to take.

Organization of this subsection
(1) A message such as "Loading of DLL failed. (...\jamlnnmVxx.dll)" is output to the message log
(2) A message such as "Connection establishment with HP NNM database failed" is output to the message log
(3) The node is on HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier, but no information is loaded into Asset Information Manager

(1) A message such as "Loading of DLL failed. (...\jamlnnmVxx.dll)" is output to the message log

xx varies depending on the version of the HP NNM that is linked.

HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier was not installed, or the installation failed. Make sure that HP NNM has been installed correctly.

(2) A message such as "Connection establishment with HP NNM database failed" is output to the message log

The following are the possible causes:

(3) The node is on HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier, but no information is loaded into Asset Information Manager

Check the following details: