Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


11.5.2 Errors during creation of the asset management database

This subsection describes the errors that may occur during the creation of an asset management database, the main causes of the errors, and the actions to be taken.

Organization of this subsection
(1) A message such as "Invalid value was specified for environment information" is displayed
(2) Due to a server environment setting error, a message such as "Failed to create the initial data for the asset management system" is displayed
(3) Due to a database user authentication failure, a message such as "Failed to create the initial data for the asset management system" is displayed
(4) A message such as "Unable to add due to existing key" is displayed
(5) An error occurs and the setup process terminates (when Embedded RDB is used)

(1) A message such as "Invalid value was specified for environment information" is displayed

Settings in the Server Setup dialog box may have not been specified. Specify the necessary settings in the Server Setup dialog box.

(2) Due to a server environment setting error, a message such as "Failed to create the initial data for the asset management system" is displayed

ASTMESn.LOG file containing one of the following messages is output to the log folder:

The following are the possible causes:

(3) Due to a database user authentication failure, a message such as "Failed to create the initial data for the asset management system" is displayed

ASTCIMn.LOG file or ASTMESn.LOG file containing one of the following messages is output to the log folder:

The Login ID and password that are set under Database Information in the Server Setup dialog box might be invalid. In the Server Setup dialog box, specify the correct Login ID and password under Database Information.

(4) A message such as "Unable to add due to existing key" is displayed

The database may have already been created.

This message is displayed if the creation of the asset management database is executed once and then is re-executed, but there is no effect on the database.

To re-create a table, delete the table and all views, and then execute the creation of the asset management database.

(5) An error occurs and the setup process terminates (when Embedded RDB is used)

The Embedded RDB capacity that was specified during database creation might be full.

Uninstall Asset Information Manager, and then re-install it. The target disk must have enough space for the management area that is automatically allocated by Embedded RDB as well as the database capacity set during the installation. For details about the capacity of the management area, see Readme.txt.