Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.11.5 Deleting the sample data

To delete the sample data imported to the asset management database, you must do the following:

The following describes how to execute each task.

If JP1/CSC is linked, set up JP1/CSC again after you have executed these tasks. For details about how to set up JP1/CSC, see the JP1/CSC documentation.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Deleting data by jamdbclear.bat
(2) Initializing the asset management database by dbinit.bat

(1) Deleting data by jamdbclear.bat

A user with administrator permissions must execute jamdbclear.bat and delete all data stored in the asset management database.

Before you execute jamdbclear.bat, stop all Asset Information Manager services, commands, and tasks.

To stop Asset Information Manager services, stop the following services in the order indicated below:

  1. World Wide Web Publishing Service or World Wide Web Publishing
  2. Asset Information Synchronous Service, Asset Information Manager commands, and tasks
  3. JP1/Client Security Control - Manager (when JP1/CSC is linked)

To run Asset Information Manager after having executed jamdbclear.bat, start the services in the reverse order of the order in which they were stopped.

jamdbclear.bat is stored in the following folder:


Format of jamdbclear.bat
The following shows the format of jamdbclear.bat:
jamdbclear.bat [full-path-of-temporary-folder]
When the temporary folder is omitted, Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\temp is assumed.

(2) Initializing the asset management database by dbinit.bat

The following describes how to execute dbinit.bat in order to initialize the asset management database.

When you use Asset Information Manager after having performed the following operation, start the services in the reverse order from the order in which they were stopped.

To create the asset management database:

  1. As a user with Administrators permissions, double-click dbinit.bat.
    The command prompt starts and waits for an entry from the keyboarded that will start setup of the asset management database.
    To cancel setup at this point, press the Ctrl+C keys.
    dbinit.bat is stored at the following location:
  2. Press any key.
    You can press any key.
    When a key is pressed, setup of the asset management database starts. When setup is completed, the system displays a message to that effect and waits for an entry from the keyboard confirming completion of setup.
  3. Press any key.
    You can press any key.
    When a key is pressed, the command prompt closes and the initialization of the asset management database is completed.

  • Do not store dbinit.bat in any other folder. If dbinit.bat is stored in any other folder, it will not function correctly.
  • Once you have created the asset management database by executing dbinit.bat, executing dbinit.bat again will result in an error.
  • An error results if the values specified for Service Name, Login ID, and password in Database Information in the Server Setup dialog box do not match those specified during database connection.