Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.10.2 Adding a remote domain

To add a remote domain to the SMTP virtual server and relay received email on Microsoft Internet Information Services:

  1. Start Internet Information Services.
  2. Expand the asset management server's Default SMTP Virtual Server and select Domains.
  3. From the Action menu, select New, and then Domains.
    New SMTP Domain Wizard appears.
  4. Choose Remote and then click Next.
  5. Enter the server name that has the asset manager's email account, and then click the Finish button.
    The remote domain is created.
    Sending notification emails with an Item is attached
    Enter the name of the mail server that holds the destination email account. If multiple mail servers are used, add the remote domain that they belong to. However, if the mail server's domain name is shared, a combined remote domain can be created.
    For example, if the mail servers to be added to the remote domain are,, and, you can create a remote domain for the three mail servers by specifying *
  6. Select the created remote domain and then from the Action menu, choose Properties.
    The remote domain's Properties dialog box is displayed.
  7. On the General tab, select the Allow incoming mail to be relayed to this domain check box.
  8. Click the OK button.

Relaying of received email to the remote domain is set and the remote domain's Properties dialog box closes.