Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.10.1 Executing the SMTP virtual server

To execute the SMTP virtual server with Microsoft Internet Information Services on Windows Server 2003:

  1. Start Internet Information Services.
  2. Expand the asset management server, and select Default SMTP Virtual Server.
  3. From the Action menu, choose Start.
    The status of Default SMTP Virtual Server is set to running.

Notes on the use of SMTP authentication
Email sent by the asset management system is registered temporarily in the Microsoft Internet Information Services SMTP virtual server, at which time the SMTP virtual server performs an SMTP relay to forward it to the mail server on which the destination email account resides.
The Microsoft Internet Information Services SMTP virtual server does not support SMTP authentication (SMTP AUTH). Therefore, on the SMTP server side that first forwarded the email from Microsoft Internet Information Services SMTP virtual server, set SMTP AUTH to invalid for the asset management server PC.
Also, if the environment is set so that the asset management system's SMTP virtual server can connect directly to an external network, the SMTP virtual server can be used as an open relay SMTP server.
In order to ensure that it is not used as an open relay SMTP server, go to the properties of the determined SMTP virtual server, and on the connection control settings of the Access tab, select Only the list below, and ensure that nothing is specified in the list.
Note also that open mail SMTP server does not refer to the server locator, but refers to the use of the SMTP server as the source of various types of annoying email known as spam mail.