Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


3.2 Collecting asset information

The asset information to be managed by the asset management database can be collected either from JP1/Software Distribution or from a CSV file.

If various types of information must be always kept up to date in a large system, Hitachi recommends that you collect asset information from JP1/Software Distribution. However, if data already exists when Asset Information Manager is being installed for the first time, or if there is information not being collected by JP1/Software Distribution, you can also collect asset information from a CSV file. Choose an appropriate asset information collection method based on the application objective and timing, such as during initial installation or daily operations.

The two methods of collecting asset information, the first from JP1/Software Distribution and the second from a CSV file, are explained below. For the method involving the collection of asset information from JP1/Software Distribution, how to set the inventory information assignment method and how to set the software name assignment are also explained.

Organization of this section
3.2.1 Collecting from JP1/Software Distribution
3.2.2 Collecting from CSV files
3.2.3 Setting the inventory information assignment method
3.2.4 Setting the software name assignment method