Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


3.1.1 Types of user roles

Two user roles are supported by Asset Information Manager, the administrator and the user. This section describes each of these roles.

This is a user in charge of device and network management in the asset management group (data system management department).
The administrator is authorized to change the settings for the entire asset management system and acquire, remove, and select the asset information to be managed.
The asset manager (user ID: admin) that is created when Asset Information Manager is installed has this role.

This can be a user in charge of device or network management in each group or a general user. The user can use the information managed in the asset management system to execute various asset management jobs, but cannot allocate jobs whose execution depends on the role.

You can change the details of the user roles and create new user roles. For details about changing user roles, see 9.1 Changing user roles (Role).