Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


2.2.1 Managing problems by linking to JP1/IM

JP1/IM can acquire information on problems in the asset management system. This information can be registered in the asset management database and managed. Asset management tasks that can be achieved by linking to JP1/IM are explained below.

Linking to JP1/IM enables automatic registration of problems into the asset management system on the basis of JP1 events and SNMP trap information. In addition, problems from JP1/IM can be confirmed. Managing these problems is useful for preventive maintenance.

The figure below shows asset management tasks that can be achieved by linking to JP1/IM.

Figure 2-3 Asset management tasks performed by linkage to JP1/IM


For details about Asset Information Manager JP1 events issued when you link to JP1/IM, see 13.4 Details of JP1 events issued from Asset Information Manager.