Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


Appendix G.3 Starting the service

This subsection describes how to start the service. If the service is already running, stop it and start it again.

To start the service:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services, and then SNMP Service.
  2. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services, and then NNM Process Manager.
  3. In the Environment Definition dialog box, select Link with NNM, and then click OK.
    The linkage batch starts. Execute the linkage batch while the NNM service is running, without starting HP NNM itself.
    For details about the Environment Definition dialog box, see 3.1 Defining an environment for JP1/FTP.

    How to suppress automatic display of the NNM console
    In a system running HP NNM 05-00 or later, the NNM console is displayed automatically. To suppress this display, add ovw to the HP NNM registry key OVConsole\CannotLaunchViewer. For details, see the HP NNM version 7.5 Help.
  4. Start the JP1/FTP service.
    Start the JP1/FTP service. The status of the JP1/FTP service and the status of file transmissions are sent to HP NNM.

If the status symbols are not displayed correctly:
The symbols might not be set correctly depending on the order in which JP1/FTP and HP NNM are installed, and when the Link with NNM option was enabled. In such a case, clear the Link with NNM check box in the Environment Definition dialog box, and then update the environment definition. After that, select the Link with NNM check box again, and then update the environment definition. The NNM console window then appears with the linkage enabled.



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