Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


4.3.4 Example of outputting multiple definition information items as text

This example outputs definition information for the Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco branches as text. You can select for the output method either Output Text or Append Text.

A sample format for text that is output is set up during installation. You can edit the format file to create a desired format. For details about how to edit the format file, see E. Format Files Used for Output of Definition Information.

To output multiple definition information items as text:

  1. In the tree window, click Chicago branch, and then click Los Angeles branch and San Francisco branch while holding down the Shift or Ctrl key.
  2. From the right-click menu, choose Output Text.
    The Output or Append To Text File dialog box appears.

    Figure 4-11 Output or Append To Text File dialog box


  3. Specify the directory to which the text is to be output, and then click either Output Text or Append Text.

    Output Text
    Outputs the registration information to the specified file. If the specified file already exists, its contents are overwritten.

    Append Text
    Outputs the definition information at the end of the specified file.
    The text output status is displayed.
  4. Click Close.

File name for the output text
The following table shows the name of the output file depending on the type of information.

Table 4-1 Names of output text files

Type of information File name#1
User information#2 host-name-to-be-displayed_user.txt
Auto-start program information based on file host-name-to-be-displayed_autof.txt
Auto-start program information based on directory host-name-to-be-displayed_autod.txt
Transmission information host-name-to-be-displayed_tran.txt
Log information host-name-to-be-displayed_hist.txt

If the host name part of the file name to be displayed contains any illegal character for a file name ([\/:;,*?<>|]), each such illegal character will be replaced with # to create the file name.

The information cannot be output when the target host is UNIX.



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