Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


4.3.2 Example of distributing (copying) transmission information

This example copies transmission information by distributing it from the New York headquarters to three branches (Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco). If the same information already exists, it will be overwritten.

To copy information:

  1. In the tree window, double-click New York headquarters.
  2. Under New York headquarters, select Transmission Registration, and then click [Figure].
  3. In the tree window, click Chicago, and then click Los Angeles and San Francisco while holding down the Shift or Ctrl key.
  4. In the tree window or the list window, click [Figure].
    A dialog box for copying and pasting information is displayed.

    Figure 4-9 Dialog box for copying and pasting information


    About Overwrite the directory for log
    This option is enabled only when environment definition information is being copied. Select it only if you want to overwrite the existing log information directory.
  5. Select Overwrite the same item and then click Execute.
    When the copy and paste operation is finished, Result and Details are displayed. By clicking Details, you can view the copied information and error information.
  6. Click Close.



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