Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.11.1 Register Custom Job dialog box

JP1/AJS3 - View allows a registered custom job to be defined in a jobnet. The Register Custom Job dialog box is used to display registered custom jobs, as well as change or delete the information about registered custom jobs.

From the Start menu in Windows, choose Program, JP1_Automatic Job Management System 3 - View, and then Register Custom Jobs. The Register Custom Job dialog box appears.

The following figure shows the Register Custom Job dialog box.

Figure 15-197 Register Custom Job dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Registered Custom Job
Displays the names of registered custom jobs, and comments.

Add button
Registers information about a new custom job. If you click Add, the Set Properties of Custom Job dialog box appears. For details, see 15.11.2 Set Properties of Custom Job dialog box.

Change button
Changes information about a registered custom job. If you click Change, the Set Properties of Custom Job dialog box appears. For details, see 15.11.2 Set Properties of Custom Job dialog box.

Delete button
Deletes a registered custom job.



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