Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


13.5 Monitoring application

On JP1/AJS3 Console, you can check the status based on the change of display colors of the business scopes and AJS3 unit monitored objects defined in the map area of JP1/AJS3 Console View.

When monitoring the defined business scopes and AJS3 unit monitored objects, you need to change the Main Scope window to the monitoring mode. In the Main Scope window, select Mode and then Monitoring Mode to change the Main Scope window into the monitoring mode.

Figure 13-10 Main Scope window (monitoring mode)


For the function monitoring the AJS3 unit monitored objects, see 7.3 Monitoring applications in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Organization of this section
13.5.1 Monitoring objects
13.5.2 Statuses acquired by objects



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