Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


13.4.1 Defining business scope

You can define a business scope under the business scope currently displayed in the map area by dragging the icon to be defined from the icon list and dropping it in the map area.

To define a business scope:

  1. Drag the icon for a business scope from the icon list and drop it to the map area.
    When the icon is dropped in, the Define Details - [Business Scope] dialog box appears.

    Figure 13-5 Define Details - [Business Scope] dialog box


  2. Define the object name and the related information
    • Name
      Enter the name of the business scope.
    • Comment
      Enter a comment as needed.
    • Icon file name
      When displaying an icon other than the default icon in the map area, input the file name of the icon image to be displayed.
  3. Click the OK button.
    The Define Details - [Business Scope] dialog box is closed. This creates the icon of the business scope in the map area.

Supplementary notes
  • You can configure up to three tiers of business scopes.
  • The map size of the upper-level business scope is not inherited.
  • When the icon list has not been displayed, choose View and then List Icons.
  • You can define up to 500 objects for the entire root business scope. The number of objects to be defined directly under a business scope depends on its map size. For details, see 16.3.6 Map Size dialog box.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.