Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


13.4 Defining monitoring details

To monitor the applications on JP1/AJS3 by using JP1/AJS3 Console View, you need to define the application (root jobnet) to be monitored in the Main Scope window and then specify how to monitor it.

Define the application (root jobnet) to be monitored as an "AJS3 unit monitored object". When monitoring multiple applications, create a business scope and define the AJS3 unit monitored objects under it to group related applications for monitoring. Additionally, since you can define another business scope under the business scope, you can construct a hierarchy easy to manage or monitor.

When defining the monitor details, you need to switch the Main Scope window into the definition mode. In the Main Scope window, choose Mode and then Definition Mode to switch the main Scope window into the definition mode.

Figure 13-4 Main Scope window (definition mode)


For the function for defining the monitored objects, see 7.2 Defining the applications to monitor and the monitoring method in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Organization of this section
13.4.1 Defining business scope
13.4.2 Defining an AJS3 unit monitored object
13.4.3 Defining the background image
13.4.4 Defining monitoring properties



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.