Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


13.3.1 Definition mode and monitoring mode

This subsection explains the two modes in the Main Scope window. To switch the modes, choose Definition Mode or Monitoring Mode on the Mode menu in the Main Scope window.

Supplementary notes
  • Using the -bmd option of ajscon lets you display the Main Scope window in the definition mode. For details on the ajscon command, see the explanation of ajscon in 3. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.
  • The executable menu of the Main Scope window differs depending on whether the definition mode or monitoring mode is shown. For the menu that can be executed in each mode, see 16.3.1 Menu commands.
  • While the same JP1 user logs in to the same JP1/AJS3 Console Manager host by using another JP1/AJS3 Console View, the available modes are limited to those shown below.
    - While the same JP1 user from another JP1/AJS3 Console View is defining an application, you cannot log in to the host.
    - While another JP1/AJS3 Console View is monitoring the application, you cannot switch the window into the definition mode.

    Table 13-1 Availability of definition mode and monitoring mode

    Mode Usage of the same root business scope
    Definition Monitoring Not used
    Definition mode N N Y
    Monitoring mode N Y Y

Y: Can be used
N: Cannot be used



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.