Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


16.3.1 Menu commands

The following table lists the menu commands available in the Main Scope window and Sub Scope window.

Table 16-4 Menu commands available in the Scope window

Menu Menu command Description Main Scope window Sub Scope window
Definition mode Monitoring mode Monitoring mode
File Main Scope#1 Displays the Main Scope window by bringing it to the front of the screen. ND ND Y
New Window Displays the contents of the current business scope in another Sub Scope window. N Y Y
Reconnect#2 Reconnects to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager when disconnected. Y Y ND
Close Closes the current window. ND ND Y
Exit Logs out from JP1/AJS3 Console Manager. Y Y ND
Mode Definition Mode#3 Switches the monitoring mode to definition mode. N Y ND
Monitoring Mode#4 Switches the definition mode to the monitoring mode. Y N ND
Edit Cut#5 Cuts the object selected in the map area. Y N ND
Copy#5 Copies the object selected in the map area. Y N ND
Paste#5, #6 Pastes the copied or pasted object to the currently displayed business scope. Y N ND
Delete #5 Deletes the object selected in the map area. Y N ND
Select All#5 Selects all the objects displayed in the map area. Y N ND
Auto-create Monitored Objects#5, #7 Automatically generates an AJS3 unit monitored object. Y N ND
Map Size#5 Displays the Map Size dialog box used to change the map size of the currently displayed business scope. Y N N
Background#5 Displays the Background Settings dialog box used to set and check the background image to be displayed in the map area of the currently displayed business scope. Y Y Y
Properties#5 Displays the Define Details dialog box used to change and check definition information for the object selected in the map area. Y Y Y
Monitoring Properties Displays the Monitoring Properties dialog box used to change and check monitoring properties. Y Y ND
Operations#5, #8 Register for Execution Registers the root jobnet for execution which is to be monitored by the object selected in the map area. N Y Y
Cancel Registration Unregisters the root jobnet to be monitored by the object selected in the map area. N Y Y
Hold-Release#9 Releases the hold attribute of the root jobnet to be monitored by the object selected in the map area. N Y Y
Rerun#9 Reruns the root jobnet to be monitored by the object selected in the map area. N Y Y
View Detailed Information#5 Displays the Detail Information dialog box used to check the status of the object selected in the map area and error factors. Displays the Define Details dialog box used to change and check the detailed information. N Y Y
Open#5 Displays the contents of the business scope selected in the map area in the current window. Y Y Y
Open Other Window#5, #10 Displays the contents of the business scope selected in the map area in another Sub Scope window. N Y Y
Upper-level Business Scope#11 Displays the upper-level business scope of the business scope displayed in the current window. Y Y Y
JP1/AJS3 - View#5, #12 Displays the JP1/AJS3 - View window and Jobnet Monitor window of JP1/AJS3 - View for the root jobnet to be monitored by the AJS3 unit monitored object selected in the map area. Y Y Y
Zoom Displays the Zoom dialog box used to change the display size of the map area. Y Y Y
List Icons Specifies whether to display the icon list in the Main Scope window in the definition mode. Y N ND
Tree Area Specifies whether to display the tree area in the Scope window. Y Y Y
Business scope name Specifies whether to display the Business scope name panel in the Scope window. Y Y Y
Refresh#13 Updates the status of all the objects defined in the entire root business scope to the latest information. N Y Y
Options Preferences Displays the Preferences dialog box used to set the JP1/AJS3 Console View operating environment. Y Y Y
Color Settings Displays the Color Settings dialog box used to change the color of the icon displayed in the map area of the Scope window. Y Y Y
Line-up Arrangement Specifies whether to arrange defined positions at equal intervals or freely when deploying objects in the map area. Y N ND
Help Help Contents#14 Displays the contents of the online help. Y Y Y
About JP1/AJS3 Console View Displays the version number of JP1/AJS3 Console View (version number of JP1/AJS3 - View). Y Y Y

Y: Active display
N: Inactive display
ND: Not displayed

If the Main Scope window is reduced to a small icon, JP1/AJS3 Console View cannot bring it to the front of the screen.

If JP1/AJS3 Console View is not disconnected from JP1/AJS3 Console Manager, it checks connection to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager.

If the monitor status is not Monitoring status, you cannot change the monitoring mode to the definition mode. If another JP1/AJS3 Console View is monitoring the same root business scope, you cannot also change the monitoring mode to the definition mode.
After the monitoring mode is changed to the definition mode, the displayed Detail Information dialog box and Sub Scope window automatically close.

If the monitoring status is not Stopped Monitoring status, you cannot change the definition mode to the monitoring mode.

When the map area is displayed in gray, JP1/AJS3 Console View ignores menu commands even if you execute them. JP1/AJS3 Console View also ignores the keyboard and mouse operations that are equivalent to the menu commands.
For the JP1/AJS3 - View menu, JP1/AJS3 Console View ignores the submenu commands in JP1/AJS3 - View Window and Jobnet Monitor Window even if you execute them.
JP1/AJS3 Console View also ignores clicking the Open Window button from the Detail Information dialog box.

If the number of lower-level business scopes reaches the maximum number of hierarchies, you cannot click Paste for the currently displayed business scope.

Before executing this menu command, you must select the root jobnet that you want to monitor in the JP1/AJS3 - View window and execute Save As Monitored Object.
JP1/AJS3 Control View sets the unit name of the jobnet to be monitored as the name of the AJS3 unit monitored object to be created and the comment of the jobnet to be monitored as the comment of the object to be created. You can also automatically create an AJS3 unit monitored object without setting a comment. For details, see 14.3.10 Suppressing automatic creation of a monitored object that has comments.
The monitoring objects to be automatically created are those for which you executed Save As Monitored Object in the JP1/AJS3 - View window. If you attempt to change a name and other information before the automatic creation of monitoring object, this change will not be reflected in the object.

Cautionary note
This function uses JP1/AJS3 Console View's clipboard. Note that executing Save As Monitored Object overwrites the information stored in the clipboard.
Also note that if information is output to the clipboard during the period from Save As Monitored Object to Auto-create Monitored Objects, information is not automatically created.

If the monitoring status is not Monitoring status and the status of the selected AJS3 unit monitored object is No status or Unknown status, you cannot perform operations in the submenu.
If an operation is unsuccessful, the following dialog box appears.

Figure 16-6 Operation error dialog box

The following explains the display items of the operation error dialog box.

Displays the name of the operated AJS3 unit monitored object.

Displays the name of the operation that resulted in an error (menu name).

Displays the name of the host to be monitored that serves as the entity of the operated AJS3 unit monitored object and the AJS3 unit name.

Error details
Displays the cause of the error.

You cannot perform this operation if the status of the AJS3 unit monitored object is Not sched. to exe. or Not registered status.

  • If the selected business scope is already displayed in another Scope window, JP1/AJS3 Console View displays the Scope window by bringing it to the front of the screen.
    At this time, if the Scope window is reduced to a small icon, JP1/AJS3 Console View cannot bring it to the front of the screen.
  • If the selected business scope is closed when JP1/AJS3 Console View is being started, the Sub Scope window is displayed according to window information (e.g., window size, show/hide of components, and zoom) at that time. In other cases, the Sub Scope window is displayed according to window information for the Scope window from which the Sub Scope window is started.

  • If only the Main Scope window is displayed, JP1/AJS3 Console View displays the contents of upper-level business scopes in the current window.
  • If the Sub Scope window is displayed, JP1/AJS3 Console View brings upper-level business scopes in another window. If the selected business scope is already displayed in another Scope window, JP1/AJS3 Console View brings the Scope window to the front of the screen.
    At this time, if the Scope window is reduced to a small icon, JP1/AJS3 Console View cannot bring it to the front of the screen.
  • If the map area is displayed in gray because JP1/AJS3 Console View is disconnected from JP1/AJS3 Console Manager, JP1/AJS3 Console View displays upper-level business scopes in the current window even if the Sub Scope window is displayed.

In the definition mode, you cannot start the Jobnet Monitor window. You cannot also start the Jobnet Monitor window if the status of the AJS3 unit monitored object is No status, Unknown, Not sched. to exec., or Not registered status.

If the monitor status is not Monitoring status, you cannot update the status of the objects to the latest information.

You must associate the Web browser with the extension htm.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.