Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


12.3.4 Re-executing an abnormally ended application

This subsection describes how to re-execute an application that has ended abnormally.

If an application being monitored abnormally ends due to an error, you can run the application again from the Main Scope window or Subscope window.

To do this from the Main Scope window:

  1. In the map area, click Day_Surveillance.
    Day_Surveillance is now highlighted.
  2. Choose Operations, and then Rerun.
    The daily order processing application is re-executed.

    Figure 12-9 Rerun from the Main Scope window


As described above, JP1/AJS3 Console allows you to centrally monitor all applications on multiple hosts. It also provides you with immediate error processing capability.

Supplementary note
You can use the Jobnet Monitor window to correct an error. For details, see 13.7 Starting JP1/AJS3 - View.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.