Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


13.7 Starting JP1/AJS3 - View

When a problem occurred in the application (root jobnet) being monitored, you can check the cause and take action by starting JP1/AJS3 - View from JP1/AJS3 Console View. This section explains how to start JP1/AJS3 - View from JP1/AJS3 Console View as well as the login operation at start. For the subsequent operations, see 8. Checking the Execution Schedule and Execution Status of a Jobnet and Jobs and 9. Controlling the Execution of a Jobnet and Jobs.

Cautionary notes
  • Before you start JP1/AJS3 - View, you must start the JP1/AJS3 service on the JP1/AJS3 Console Agent (JP1/AJS3 - Manager) host of the monitoring target.
  • If no execution ID is set for the status of the monitoring target when you attempt to display the Jobnet Monitor window, a confirmation message asking whether you want to display the JP1/AJS3 - View window appears.
  • An error occurs if the monitoring-target JP1/AJS3 Console Agent (JP1/AJS3 - Manager) host cannot be connected.
  • An error occurs if the monitoring-target JP1/AJS3 Console Agent (JP1/AJS3 - Manager) host is invalid (the host name cannot be resolved).
  • An error occurs if you do not have an access permission for the monitored application (root jobnet) or its upper-level unit.
Organization of this section
13.7.1 How to start JP1/AJS3 - View
13.7.2 Login operation



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.