Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


11.5 Customizing the Jobnet Editor window

This section describes the following methods of customizing the Jobnet Editor window:

Organization of this section
11.5.1 Setting whether exclusive editing mode is permitted when the Jobnet Editor window opens
11.5.2 Specifying the settings regarding the display of unit names and comments in the map area
11.5.3 Resizing the map area
11.5.4 Zooming the display size of the map area
11.5.5 Changing the background image of the map area
11.5.6 Changing the color indicating the selected status
11.5.7 Specifying the highlight colors for preceding and succeeding units in the map area
11.5.8 Changing the lightness of colors of units that are not highlighted units (base units and preceding and succeeding units)
11.5.9 Changing the operation performed when a unit in the list area is double-clicked
11.5.10 Hiding the icons of unused units in the icon list
11.5.11 Suppressing the display of a comment when the mouse pointer is positioned at an icon in the map area
11.5.12 Displaying the full names of jobnets
11.5.13 Disabling exclusive editing in the Jobnet Editor window



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.